FIDO Money Lending (FIDO), an innovative financial technology company that provides
convenient mobile credit services to underbanked individuals, has partnered with SAF to launch a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project that promotes financial inclusion.
This CSR project, FIDO Foundation, aims to improve digital and financial literacy to young
Ghanaian citizens; and the first beneficiaries of this project come from Dzorwulu community in the Greater Accra region.
This year, 400 students at Dzorwulu Junior High School will be taught basic digital and financial knowledge to make better decisions about money, especially regarding credit and loans. The workshops will teach the students about interests, investments, how to discern information in banking advertisements, and steps to keep track of innovations in the digital and financial services.
As a new generation financial institution, FIDO Money Lending is carving a path to get involved in more socially conscientious initiatives that focus on financial inclusion and literacy, and digital education for Ghanaians.
The need for all citizens to be educated in financial matters is critical to improve financial
decision-making by individuals and businesses, which in turn improves the overall national
“FIDO Foundation is a social responsibility project of FIDO Money Lending which is supported by SAF and targeted at increasing financial literacy and usage of digitalisation amongst Ghanaians. Building financial education and usage of digital tools will help Ghanaians to make better financial decisions which will improve their lives,” says Gadi Regev, General Manager of FIDO Money Lending.
“We hope to inspire other companies in the industry to give back to their communities and push for positive impact and financial literacy, as this will build a stronger and healthier economy,” he added.
Madam Stella Tsekpo, the Headmistress of Dzorwulu Junior High School, welcomed the
Foundation saying, “I warmly welcome you, FIDO, as our development partners and implore you to adopt this school as your baby so that we develop it as an enviable school. We, as the school administration staff, pledge to support you in the discharge of your corporate social responsibility in our community.”
FIDO Money Lending, which is a leading provider of digital credit in Ghana, has the goal of
driving financial inclusion amongst the unbanked, and introducing digital financial services to rural communities, thereby fostering a genuinely inclusive financial service ecosystem.
Together with SAF, this foundation is a first step in spreading financial literacy and digital
education across the country.