Poultry farming is a profitable business in Ghana. Though lucrative, it comes with its own complexities that may hinder profitability.
Owning a poultry farm and making a business out of it, is on two different pedestals. Benjamin Owiredu, a Poultry Management expert in an interview with Ghana Talks Business explains how you can set up your poultry business for profit.
How to set up a Profitable Poultry Business
- Step 1 – Conduct your feasibility studies
Unless you are setting up your poultry farm as a past-time or leisure activity, the first step is to develope a business mindset prior to setting up your farm. See the entire project as a business and conduct a thorough feasibility study on the nature of the poultry business. Seek expert advice and analysis and acquire knowledge before you go into the business.
Expert advice gives insight on the dynamics of entering into either layer/broiler farming. Broiler farming refers to raising poultr