Many scholars in the field of human resource management are generally agreed that motivation is a critical ingredient for eliciting positive work outcomes from employees. All things being equal, a well motivated staff will be the more predisposed towards creativity, innovation and productivity.
It is in your best interest as an employer or team leader to keep your staff or team members motivated. Shirking this responsibility comes with dire consequences. Go to an organization where employees are bitter, dissatisfied, frustrated and demoralized, and you will find a company that is performing far below its potential. Now, I share with you a couple of ideas that when deployed will motivate your employees and keep them motivated while they expend their energies towards the attainment of organizational goals and objectives.
Be an example
It is said that the best way to teach a child is not merely to tell him or her what they ought to do but to show them what they should do by your example. Good leaders exemplify what they desire the employees to be. For them, “it isn`t do what I say but don`t do what I do.” Such leaders walk the talk. Be an employee or team leader who inspires change by your conduct. Be at work on time. Put in extra hours where need be. Put in the requisite effort in the discharge of your roles and assignments. Exude a positive work ethic. Before long, your team members and employees will have no choice but follow suit.
Praise rather than criticize
Criticism has a way of demoralizing people and putting them on the defensive. Constantly criticizing a team member or employee makes him or her feel worthless, incapable and incompetent. It wounds their self-esteem which invariably stifles creativity, enthusiasm, initiative and productivity. You obviously do not want this to happen. What then is the way to go when your team members are failing to meet sales targets forinstance? Acknowledge the good you see in them; acknowledge their efforts. Praise them for every progress made, however minimal they may be. Let them know you appreciate their efforts and that you are certain they can do better. When your team members or employees get the sense that you believe in them and that you are counting on them to get the job done, their self-worth is boosted and they will be willing to go the extra mile not to let you down.
Show genuine interest in your staff
Make the time to check on your employees or team members from time to time. Don`t be superficial in your show of concern. Be genuinely interested in the wellbeing of your workforce. Visit employees who may be hospitalized or bereaved, where possible. Share their burdens when the need arrives; share in their joys and in their pains.
When a team member is lagging behind the rest of the team, this is not the time to rebuke and reprimand them before their colleagues. Sit them down privately and have a chart with them with the goal of identifying what might be contributing to their low work performance. Help them find viable solutions.
Include staff in decision making processes
Of cause some decisions reserved for management. However, when team members or employees are involved in some decision making processes, they feel a part of the organization; they understand that their employers value their views, opinions and level of intelligence. There is this sense of satisfaction that is engendered and the desire to play their part per the decisions arrived at.
Reward achievement
Be generous in expressing gratitude to employees. Openly acknowledge their contributions to the success of the organization. Identify exceptional employees and offer them some kind of reward openly; this has a way of motivating them to continue to give of their best, and in some instances exceed their currents performance. The example of employees who are rewarded may encourage others to strive to up their game, if for nothing at all, to be considered the next recipient of a reward.
Encourage continues learning
Be concerned about the personal development of your staff. One of the most crucial ingredients for boosting the productivity of your employees is the provision of avenues for continues learning. Sponsor promising employees to further their education in their areas of expertise. Periodically organize refresher courses and seminars for employees to sharpen their knowledge base and skill-sets. Encourage your staff to make it a habit to continually access high value content that will live a positive imprint on their productivity. Create a work environment that allows interested (and qualified) workers to pursue professional courses on part time basis and where possible offer periodic study leave. These helps equip your staff to be at their best and creates a sense of loyalty. As a consequence, your employees will be motivated to make substantial contributions to the success of your organization.
Good pay, good working conditions
One of the major ingredients for the remarkable success of Ford Motors under the leadership of its founder was the fact that they paid their employees better than their competitors. As a consequence, some of the best mechanics in America flocked to Ford Motors, and this greatly slowed employee turnover and increased productivity. Henry Ford is also said to have reduced the working hours for his staff. These measures among others enhanced the productivity of Ford Motors. What is the point? Pay your staff well and create a working environment that is safe and conducive for your staff.
There are other ideas that can make a significant difference in the productivity of your employees and team members. However, for want of space and in other not to bore you with a lengthy write up, I will apply the breaks here. Hopefully, the thoughts thus far shared will be adopted and adapted to suit your peculiar organizational setting.
Author: Daniel Dela Dunoo
(Freelance Writer/editor, Blogger, Published Author)
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