Watching Reggie & Bollie last night in the X-Factor final was a great lesson for all. Sometimes you wonder when at all will the big break come? Life is about those that work at it not those that wait at it. However what I learnt was that;
■ Never think mediocre but have a mindset to serve the world and not only your country. That is think global.
■ At the point of giving up can be your breakthrough so don’t give up yet.
■ Talent doesn’t discriminate. It speaks a language that everyone understands. Your accent, your name pronunciation or background becomes irrelevant when your talent is showcased on the world stage.
■ Be yourself and never change your style to suit anybody. Reggie & Bollie has defined themselves as an icon in a particular segment of the music industry. Find a niche and pursue until success knocks at your door.
■ We all need a supportive family to get there. Even their children were supportive. However learn to choose your battles in life. Don’t waste your time on those that do not show interest in what you do.
You can be the next in line to have a breakthrough. Keep believing.
Always remember it is possible if only you believe.
Oscar Bimpong
Double R.E.E.B.A Award Winner