Money! Every traveler needs it. Whether in physical cash or electronic, it’s relevance on the road cannot be overemphasized. In your domicile country, lack of money may not be too detrimental since there are friends and family around to support immediately that situation arrives. However, when you are far from home, it becomes increasingly difficult to acquire the much needed monetary aid. Lack of money however isn’t the greatest nightmare of travelers. The inability to access funds due to technical or infrastructural deficits as well as fraud are what many travelers fear the most. In a continent like ours which has been tagged with fraud and credit card discrepancies, many foreign travelers have a major concern about how to handle their funds or pay for goods and services once they arrive. Jumia Travel, Africa’s leading online hotel booking website and travel advisors points out a safe few payment options to consider when in Ghana.
Mobile Money – It is very likely that a traveler in Ghana will acquire a local sim card for his/her calls and data. Popular networks in Ghana such as MTN, TIGO, Airtel and Vodafon have developed fast and convenient payment systems suited for the local market. MTN Mobile Money, Tigo Cash, Airtel Money and Vodafon Cash are all safe and convenient ways of keeping money and transferring them from your mobile device with the least possible risk of fraud. In case of extremities, you can also withdraw monies from your mobile wallet. This is easy to use and once you deposit some amount of money in your mobile account, all you need is your phone number and password. You can transfer, withdraw and make payments easily and safely.
Cash – Surprising as it may seem, paying cash for goods and services in Ghana may sometimes be very safe and convenient. This is however dependent on whether the amount in question is huge or small. When dealing with high amounts,it is advisable to utilise online payment options or use electronic transfers since it is dangerous to carry money around in big bags attracting thieves and armed robbers. If the money is small and can be carried in purses or in pockets, it is actually very fast and easy to just pull out the cash and pay!
Bank Transfers – On weekends when your bank may be closed, you can actually transfer funds from overseas accounts or transfer money directly via internet banking to your clients or business partners. If your bank is also not present in the country in which you are, you can wire the money through western union or other money transfer portals and withdraw in any bank that offers it around you. Although these may come with a few charges, it provides you with a better and safer alternative than carrying hard cash for long periods everywhere you go.
Pre-paid vouchers – In many parts of the world, customers of various retail shops, hotel booking websites and food delivery services make available pre-paid vouchers or gift cards. These cards are paid for in various denominations and when there is a need to make a purchase; the customer uses that card instead of paying with cash or other forms of payment. Most of the vouchers are exactly the same values as the cash deposited on them although in a few cases, the customers get more than they actually paid for. For international companies and services, these cards come in handy irrespective of the country you are in. Many companies are spread all over the world thus making it easy for cross-country use of these cards.
Credit : Jumia Travel