The culture of money craze that seems to have fortunately or unfortunately plagued our current century might be affecting your health in ways you never thought possible.
The drive to make money is not necessarily a bad thing but the troubles which arise with the enthusiastic drive or the lack of it (money) may be doing more harm than good to your physical and mental health. Having a great healthy lifestyle isn’t just about eating right and exercising regularly, it also includes improving your financial health. You do not need to be wealthy to have good health. Having a well laid out financial goal and budget can help you immensely. Below are the various ways troubles of money may be affecting your health.
#1 Stress – troubles of money and health
Are you feeling stressed out and depressed because of money? Then you should know your health is at risk. Stress has been proven to be the root problem of many health issues.
Whether you are struggling to pay your rent, utility bills, or trying to hide from the people you owe, there is no limit to how stressful financial problems can be. When you are stressed out, the hormones, cortisol, and adrenaline are released to prepare the body for a fight or flight response. Your heart beats quickly and your blood vessels constrict and your muscles are ready for action. The hormones released are intended to protect the body in case of an emergency. Having these hormones continually firing in your body puts your health at risk causing complications such as headaches, depression, anxiety, insomnia, stomach upset, etc.
#2 High blood pressure – troubles of money and health
Financial stress can increase your blood pressure levels which when not controlled may lead to poor quality lifestyle, or even a heart attack or stroke.
High blood pressure slowly increases the pressure of blood flowing through your arteries. As a result, you might damage the cells of your arteries which will have trouble supplying blood to your heart. With inadequate blood supply to your heart, you can have chest pain (angina), irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), or a heart attack.
#3 Unhealthy life choices – troubles of money and health
Financial problems may lead you to make unhealthy life choices that will affect your health. Think about it for a moment. There have been instances where you have probably decided to have a drink or cigarette because of financial problems or probably know someone who drinks or smokes just to cope with his or her financial problems.
Regularly intake of alcohol and smoking has long-term repercussions on your liver and lungs respectively.
How to keep your finances in check
The following tips below can help you ensure financial success and limit the financial stress in your life.
#1 Develop a budget
Developing a daily, weekly, or monthly budget begins the fundamental step of putting your financial affairs in order. Having a budget will give you insight into how much you spend and your current financial position. It will limit your spending habit and boost your savings. Having a budget will also help you prepare for emergencies such as getting laid off work or death in a family.
#2 Get rid of an expensive lifestyle
Getting rid of an expensive habit can save you a lot of financial headaches. Purchasing that expensive shoe or dress when you can get a cheaper one that still looks good can save you a lot of money or eating at the finest or 5-star restaurants when you can simply get a good meal from a far less expensive diner.
#3 Do not be influenced by social media
A look at your social media platforms may reveal people flaunting their wealth and affluence and you wish you could be like that. But remember, not all that glitters is gold. You must understand that, there are a lot of people living fake lives on social media hence you should stay focused on your financial goals to enjoy a fulfilling level of success.
#4 Pay your debt
Make the effort to pay your debt. All the bank loans, car loans, student loans, and the other types of debts you have accrued must be paid off to have that peace of mind and a good position in your finances.
#5 Save!!!
Saving is one of the most crucial things you can ever do when trying to keep your finances in check. Saving can get you out of a jam and save you from unforeseen circumstances. One great tip to saving by billionaire investor, Warren Buffet is “Do not save what is left after spending, instead spend what is left after saving.” Remember, saving is not for the now, it is for the future.