The Results Only Work Environment (more commonly known as ROWE) is a unique arrangement between businesses and their employees. It is usually described as a place where people do not have schedules, but they instead show up when they want to. They also do not have to be in the office at any one certain time. They just have to get their work done; how they do it, when they do it and where they choose to do it is totally up to them, and their call.
Being self-determined is the polar opposite of being micro managed. Being micro managed is where you are instructed not only in what to do, but also when to do it and therefore how to do it.
Self determined workers only need the high level objectives, and they can work out the rest. This is the ideal arrangement in remote management relationships. In fact, people who need significant management support, are not well placed for remote management working arrangements.
A self-determined approach is not for every manager or team member. The remote manager needs to be able to:
Set high-level objectives
Trust in their team and so step back
Be agnostic about how things are done
Be available if asked for support
The team member needs to be able to:
Create plans and solutions to achieve the objectives
Be self-motivated
Be resilient to possible set backs, by coming back stronger
Ask for help when stuck or out of your depth
Hence, being self-determined is a key strategy in remote management in order to rub off on your team and in turn ensure increased motivation and inspiration.
Remote Management Question: What changes could you make to ensure that your team feel they are self-determining how they achieve their targets?
Author: Matt Bird || Matt Bird is the creator of Relationology a unique approach to achieving business growth through the power of relationships. He is an international keynote speaker and author of Relationology 101. Email: / Tel: +44 7971 489768